Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer Mentorship Component

1) Hours Log:
2) Lorenzo Raya
(626) 824-5742
3) Questions
-What are some activities an individual should do when they are not at practice, to benefit the team.
- Should there be a specific the players should follow.
- What are some exercises the team can do to have better team chemistry and have unity.


4) What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
 -The most important thing I gained from this experience, is that I learned about the sport I love, from a coach's perspective. This helps me appreciate the game more, and to become a better player. I now know what is needed for a team to function, it's not a simple as I thought. Now I see a coach as an important part of the team.


5)  How did what you did help you choose a topic?  Please explain.
 - The time I spent learning about soccer, I learned that there is much more to it than just playing. This showed me that I still need to learn more about the sport I love. I love soccer and plan to play for as long as I can, and maybe even coach someday. That is why this topic is so interesting to me, because now I am not only focusing on my position. If I acquire enough knowledge, I can strive to become captain of the team.

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